Monday, January 21, 2013

Meth Monday #16: It's Back Bitch!

Hello Readers Mine, and welcome back to Solomon Mao's and "Meth Monday." My hiatus turned out to be much longer than I had hoped, and I'm sorry for that, but like most members of the human race, and graduate students in particular, I'm still learning what-all can be realistically done in a given time period. I hear it's called learning balance and practicing time management. In any event, I'm back, and I hope to even post here more often than I was last fall, and on matters extending beyond Breaking Bad and Wanna Cook? The Unofficial Companion Guide to Breaking Bad by me and K. Dale Koontz (forthcoming from ECW Press in the spring of 2014).

First, though, let me get you caught up on the progress of the book. Dale is finishing up her annotating rewatch of Season 4 this week, and I should be starting on the draft episode guide for Season 4 the next week, and I hope to finish up by mid-February at the latest, at which point the draft goes back to Dale for editing and her additions, and then back to me for a final edit and tweaking before we get it off to our editor at ECW, the delightful Jen Hale by the end of February. While all of that's going on, I'll hopefully be spending some serious time on the phone arranging and conducting interviews with members of the cast and crew of the best show on TV! I'll keep you posted here as that progresses, and who knows, maybe I'll even be able to tease you with some brief interview excerpts. We're hoping to interview as many people as we can, and would love to talk with the usual suspects (Gilligan, Cranston, Paul, Brant, Gunn, Norris, Mitte, Slovis) but I'd also like to talk with some of the less familiar people behind the show, who consistently write, direct, and research one incredible episode after another. Of course, all of this depends on the kindness of strangers and the extent to which I can control my fanboy enthusiasm when trying to arrange interviews, so no guarantees, but keep your fingers crossed.

In other news, at the same time ECW is printing Wanna Cook? in English for the Canadian, US, and I guess other English-speaking markets, Wanna Cook? will also be published in German, and be available in good ol' Deutschland! That's right, we're being translated!!! I'd like to be able to claim that this has everything to do with our compelling narrative powers, but I suspect that it actually is coming about because Breaking Bad is just an enormously popular show. Nonetheless, our prose is compelling, and our analysis insightful, so  you can rest easy about that. (Also, don't worry - professional translators will be handing the work of transforming our scintillating wordsmithery, and not, you know, me, who's entire German vocabulary consists of ja, nein, bitte, and danke.)

So that's pretty much where we're at. I'll be back here next Monday, probably talking about whatever episode of season 4 I've just written about, and reveling in being back to work on the book! In the meantime, you can find me on the web over on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and even, so feel free to follow! While you're at it, why not subscribe to Dale's blogs: Mockingbird's Nest and Unfettered Brilliance, and you can find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ as well. Until then, remember:

"Magnets, bitch!!!"

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